10 Reasons Why the Best-Managed Companies Don’t Focus on Compliance or Documentation

Xanthia Coates Safety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

Beating the drum of compliance & documentation is common amongst many Safety Managers & Coordinators. When hearing them speak with workers, I hear things like “You’re not documenting, we need to see the documentation.” They come by it honestly, because that’s how they are taught. It’s a tangible way for safety peeps to measure their success. However, here’s 10 reasons …

Avoiding Heat Stress When Working in Extreme Temperatures

Xanthia Coates Safety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

Extreme heat is predicted in the next few days, and will likely occur throughout the summer. In 2021 Canada was hit with one of the most devastating heat waves on record. One of the provinces hit the hardest was B.C. with nearly 600 deaths resulting from extreme temperatures between June 18th – August 12th, 2021. High temperatures combined with humidity …

The Neuroscience of Safety Leadership

Xanthia Coates Safety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

The ever-evolving field of neuroscience is providing clearer insight into how leaders everywhere can foster safe, healthy, and highly productive workplaces with a basic understanding of how their employees’ brains and nervous systems work. High levels of employee stress have been shown to: Increase workplace injuries. Heighten the risk of heart attacks. Increase mental health problems. Create more conflicts. Increase …

NEW 1Life Employee Training & Development Program – Eligible for Full Reimbursement Through Retrain Manitoba Initiative!

Xanthia Coates 1Life News, Safety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

The Province of Manitoba & Manitoba Chambers of Commerce recently launched the Retrain Manitoba Initiative, offering reimbursement of up to $2500/employee or $75,000/business towards the continued education and upskilling of your workforce! At the end of the day, losses due to injury, illness, and property damage are paid from your company’s profits. Enlightened leaders are realizing that effective safety management …

The Neuroscience of Safety Habits

Xanthia Coates Safety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

One of the most challenging aspects of safety management is changing employee’s safety habits.   At best; it’s exhausting, and at worst; initiatives don’t seem to work at all! However, when we understand what a habit is and how it develops, we can use this understanding to help employees change their “bad” habits more easily.   The dictionary defines habit …

Workplace Happiness as a Leading Indicator?

Xanthia Coates Safety Leadership, Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

  In safety management, leading indicators are highly valuable predictors of future losses to people, property, process and the environment. They are early warning signs of potential safety management system failures and give organizations the opportunity to identify and control deficiencies before they result in incidents. Typical examples of leading indicators include: hazard and near-miss reporting; the amount of time …


Neuroscience: The New Frontier in Safety Management

1Life Workplace Safety Solutions Safety Training, Webinars, Workplace Safety and Health

Every year, organizations invest billions in new safety initiatives that fail to produce the desired results. Why? The primary reason is a misunderstanding of how to produce sustained change. In this webinar, we discuss the latest research in neuroscience, how it applies to the field of workplace safety management, and the link between stress and incident rates and mental health. …

5 Ways to Build Resilience and Productivity in Times of Change

1Life Workplace Safety Solutions Safety Training, Workplace Safety and Health

Human beings possess an innate primitive survival mechanism to be constantly scanning the environment for what can cause harm. This goes back to the days when early humans were exposed to the constant threat of wild animals and other tribes. When feeling threatened or afraid, the amygdala (in the brain) activates the fight or flight response by releasing stress hormones …

How to Use FREE SOFTWARE to Adapt Your Business to Thrive Through COVID-19

1Life Workplace Safety Solutions Safety Training, Webinars, Workplace Safety and Health

We’re All in This Together & We Want to Help! Extreme challenges are calling for extreme adaptability in order for many SMBs to survive. Workers are displaced and key work processes are changing. Expense reduction, resource constriction and realizing efficiencies are top priorities. Organizations must rapidly adapt their operations. Safety and health protocols and social distancing is required. 1Life’s existing …